Abstract Submission Form and Instructions for Authors are included in the
Announcement and Call for Papers package which is distributed in hardcopy by mail.
If you would like to receive the hardcopy please contact the Organising Committee. Abstract
Submission Form and Instructions for Authors are also available for download in PDF
Abstract Submission Form (size = 61k)
Instructions for Authors (size = 76k)
General instructions
It is necessary that you provide your manuscript both as high quality camera-ready paper
originals and on computer disk file(s). In its final formatted version of the Proceedings
each abstract should NOT occupy more than two pages. Please follow the guidelines
on this and the following page as closely as possible.
Abstract submission should include:
1. Completed Abstract Submission Form dowloadable in PDF format from:
2. Camera-ready high quality paper original AND TWO additional hardcopies (including
tables, figures, and equations, if any). Please see instructions for the page layout and format
3. Computer disk file(s) containing your manuscript. You can put the files on a PC diskette
and mail it together with the Abstract Submission Form and hardcopies. Alternatively you can send
the files attached to an email message to the address below (but you must still supply hardcopies
and Abstract Submission Form by mail). Indicate the type of your files on the diskette label or in the
email message.
Computer disk files
Disk files will be used for the on line publication of the Proceedings. Please supply your
manuscript in one of these formats: Microsoft Word (*.DOC), rich text format (*.RTF),
or plain ASCII text (*.TXT). Name the file by the first author's last name, e.g. "doe.doc"
for John Doe. Please avoid using characters that are not from English alphabet (except Greek math symbols).
Figures should by sent in separate files. Please use Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) or
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG or JPEG) formats for supplying your figures and
equations. Use one file per figure or equation. If you are unable to use these formats please send
three high quality black and white copies of high resolution by mail.
Send your manuscript to:
3rd ICBEM - Organising Committee
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of Ljubljana
Trzaska 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Fax: +386 61 1264-658 and +386 61 1264-630
Tel.: +386 61 1768-456 and +386 61 1768-264
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 May 2000
Notification of scientific acceptance: after 1 June 2000
Deadline for early registration (reduced fees!): 23 July 2000
Page Layout