The final in the series of meetings of COST 244bis Action on Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields will take
place on 7-8 October 2000 in Bled. This meeting includes the 11th Workshop on Biomedical Applications and COST 244bis
Management Committee Meeting. It is noteworthy that the first meeting of COST 244 Action group was also organised in
Bled in 1993.
COST stands for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical research. This open and flexible
framework was set up in 1971 and now involves 25 countries from the European Union, the Central and Eastern European
countries, and Turkey. COST Actions involve pre-competitive or basic research and activities of public utility. COST
Actions exist in over 15 research domains, the largest being COST Telecommunications which also includes the COST
244bis Action. COST 244 was started in 1992. Commencing in 1996, the COST 244bis Action is an extension of the original
COST 244 Action. As its predecessor, COST 244bis focuses on co-ordination of European research in the area of
biomedical effects of electromagnetic fields, on co-ordination and promotion of national research activities in this
area at European level, and on stimulation of multidisciplinary collaboration between experts in medicine, biology,
electrical engineering, physics etc. More information about specific activities of COST 244 and COST 244bis Actions can
be found at:
The first official day of 3rd ICBEM and 1st SLO-CRO MBE overlaps with the final meeting of COST 244bis Action Group.
The topics covered by COST meeting are related to those covered by 3rd ICBEM and 1st SLO-CRO MBE. All participants to
3rd ICBEM have free admittance to the COST 244bis scientific sessions.