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  Faculty of Electrical Engineering :: Laboratory of Biocybernetics :: Research :: Perfusion and oxygenation slovensko

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By measuring various parameters of blood perfusion and oxygenation in tissues important information about physiology and pathology of the organism can be obtained. For this purpose we use different methods including near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for monitoring of tissue perfusion and blood oxygenation changes, laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) for measurement of relative tissue microcilculation, and luminescence-based fiber-optic oximetry for measurement of oxygen partial pressure in tissue. These methods are based on different physical principles and measure parameters of perfusion and oxygenation on different physiological and anatomical levels. So far we have been using these and other methods for experimental diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in various studies on peripheral vascular disease, and skin/muscle and tumor blood flow and oxygenation.

Figure 1:
Comparison of the postocclusive reactive hyperemia in foot after a 5 minute arterial occlusion on thigh measured by means of three noninvasive methods (NIRS, LDF and transcutaneous oximetry - TcPO2) in a healthy volunteer (left) and a diabetic patient with advanced arterial occlusive disease (right). Hyperemia was by far more pronounced in healthy foot.

[click on the image to enlarge]


Figure 2:
Example of changes in blood flow and oxygenation in subcutaneous murine tumors after intravenous injection of antihypertensive hydralazine (left) and after application of electroporation pulses (right). Perfusion and oxygenation were reduced in both cases, but the reduction in perfusion was much faster and more pronounced after electroporation.

[click on the image to enlarge]


  1. Kragelj R, Jarm T, Miklavcic D. Reproducibility of parameters of postocclusive reactive hyperemia measured by near-infrared spectroscopy and transcutaneous oximetry. Annals Biomed. Eng. 28:168-173, 2000. [PDF]
  2. Kragelj R, Jarm T, Erjavec T, Preseren-Strukelj M, Miklavcic D. Parameters of postocclusive reactive hyperemia measured by near-infrared spectroscopy in patients with vascular disease and in healthy volunteers. Annals Biomed. Eng. 29:311-320, 2001.
  3. Jarm T, Sersa G, Miklavcic D. Oxygenation and blood flow in tumors treated with hydralazine: Evaluation with a novel luminescence-based optic sensor. Techol. Health Care 10: 363-380, 2002. [PDF]
  4. Jarm T, Cemazar M, Steinberg F, Streffer C, Sersa G, Miklavcic D. Perturbation of blood flow as a mechanism of anti-tumour action of direct current electrotherapy. Physiol. Meas. 24: 75-90, 2003. [PDF]
  5. Jarm T, Kragelj R, Liebert A, Lukasiewitz P, Erjavec T, Preseren-Strukelj M, Maniewski R, Poredos P, Miklavcic D. Postocclusive reactive hyperemia in healthy volunteers and patients with peripheral vascular disease measured by three noninvasive methods. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 530: 661-669, 2003.


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