
(od novejših proti
Batista Napotnik T, Reberšek M, Vernier PT, Mali B, Miklavčič D.
Effects of high voltage nanosecond electric pulses on eukaryotic cells (in vitro): A systematic review.
Bioelectrochemistry 110: 1-12, 2016. [PDF
© 2016 Napotnik et al. DOI
Casciola M, Kasimova MA, Rems L, Zullino S, Apollonio F, Tarek M.
Properties of lipid electropores I: Molecular dynamics simulations of stabilized pores by constant charge imbalance.
Bioelectrochemistry 109: 108-116, 2016. [PDF
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. DOI
Campana LG, Clover AJP, Valpione S, Quaglino P, Gehl J, Kunte C, Snoj M, Čemažar M, Rossi CR, Miklavčič D, Serša G.
Recommendations for improving the quality of reporting clinical electrochemotherapy studies based on qualitative systematic review.
Radiol. Oncol. 50: 1-13, 2016.
© 2016 Radiology and Oncology (Ljubljana). DOI
Čorović S, Mahnič-Kalamiza S, Miklavčič D.
Education on electrical phenomena involved in electroporation‑based therapies and treatments: a blended learning approach.
Biomed. Eng. Online 15: 36, 2016. [PDF
© 2016 Čorović et al, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. DOI 10.1186/s12938-016-0152-7

Dermol J, Pakhomova ON, Pakhomov AG, Miklavčič D.
Cell electrosensitization exists only in certain electroporation buffers.
PLOS One 11(7): e159434, 2016. [PDF
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Golberg A, Sack M, Teissie J, Pataro G, Pliquett U, Saulis G, Töpfl S, Miklavčič D, Vorobiev E, Frey W.
Energy-efficient biomass processing with pulsed electric fields for bioeconomy and sustainable development.
Biotechnol. Biofuels 9: 94, 2016. [PDF
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Haberl Meglič S, Levičnik E, Luengo E, Raso J, Miklavčič D.
The effect of temperature and bacterial growth phase on protein extraction by means of electroporation.
Bioelectrochemistry 112: 77-82, 2016. [PDF
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Kos B, Vásquez JL, Miklavčič D, Hermann GGG, Gehl J.
Investigation of the mechanisms
of action behind Electromotive Drug Administration (EMDA).
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Kotnik T, Weaver JC.
Abiotic gene transfer: rare or rampant?
J. Membrane Biol. 249: 623-631, 2016.
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Kranjc M, Bajd F, Serša I, de Boevere M, Miklavčič D.
Electric field distribution in relation to cell membrane electroporation in potato tuber tissue studied by magnetic resonance techniques.
Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 37: 384-390, 2016.
© 2016 Elsevier. DOI
Kranjc S, Kranjc M, Ščančar J, Jelenc J, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
Electrochemotherapy by pulsed electromagnetic field treatment (PEMF) in mouse melanoma B16F10 in vivo.
Radiol. Oncol. 50: 39-48, 2016.
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Langus J, Kranjc M, Kos B, Šuštar M, Miklavčič D.
Dynamic finite-element model for efficient modelling of electric currents in electroporated tissue.
Sci. Rep. 6: 26409, 2016. [PDF
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Maček Lebar A, Velikonja A, Kramar P, Iglič A.
Internal configuration and electric potential in planar negatively charged lipid head group region in contact with ionic solution.
Bioelectrochemistry 111: 49-56, 2016. [PDF
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Pavšelj N, Cuznar P, Veselovskyi S, Miklavčič D, Hart FX.
Measuring the viscoelastic properties of tissue using changes in its capacitance: A feasibility study.
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Pillet F, Marjanovič I, Reberšek M, Miklavčič D, Rols MP, Kotnik T.
Inactivation of spores by electric arcs.
BMC Microbiol. 16: 148, 2016.
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Raso J, Frey W, Ferrari G, Pataro G, Knorr D, Teissié J, Miklavčič D.
Recommendations guidelines on the key information to be reported in studies of application of PEF technology in food and biotechnological processes.
Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 37: 312-321, 2016.
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Rems L, Miklavčič D.
Tutorial: Electroporation of cells in complex materials and tissue.
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Rems L, Tarek M, Casciola M, Miklavčič D.
Properties of lipid electropores II: Comparison of continuum-level modeling of pore conductance to molecular dynamics simulations.
Bioelectrochemistry 112: 112-124, 2016. [PDF
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Rosazza C, Haberl Meglič S, Zumbusch A, Rols MP, Miklavčič D.
Gene electrotransfer: a mechanistic perspective.
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Sharabi S, Kos B, Last D, Guez D, Daniels D, Harnof S, Mardor Y, Miklavčič D.
A statistical model describing combined irreversible electroporation and electroporation-induced blood-brain barrier disruption.
Radiol. Oncol. 50: 28-38, 2016.
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Stepišnik T, Jarm T, Grošelj A, Edhemović I, Đokić M, Ivanecz A, Trotovšek B, Brecelj E, Potrč S, Čemažar M, Glumac N, Pečnik T, Verberič B, Gadžijev E, Strojan P, Snoj M, Miklavčič D, Serša G.
Elektrokemoterapija - učinkovita metoda zdravljenja tumorjev s kombinacijo kemoterapevtika in električnega polja.
Zdrav. Vestn. 85: 41-55, 2016. [PDF
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ISSN 1318-0347
Sweeney DC, Reberšek M, Dermol J, Rems L, Miklavčič D, Davalos RV.
Quantification of cell membrane permeability induced by monopolar and high-frequency bipolar bursts of electrical pulses.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1858: 2689-2698, 2016.
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Velikonja A, Kramar P, Miklavčič D, Maček Lebar A.
Specific electrical capacitance and voltage breakdown as a function of temperature for different planar lipid bilayers.
Bioelectrochemistry 112: 132-137, 2016. [PDF
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Chafai DE, Mehle A, Tilmatine A, Maouche B, Miklavčič D.
Assessment of the electrochemical effects of pulsed electric fields in a biological cell suspension.
Bioelectrochemistry 106: 249-257, 2015. [PDF
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Čorovič S, Markelc B, Dolinar M, Čemažar M, Jarm T.
Modeling of microvascular permeability changes after electroporation.
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Dermol J, Miklavčič D.
Mathematical models describing Chinese hamster ovary cell death due to electroporation in vitro.
J. Membrane Biol. 248: 865-881, 2015.
© 2015 Springer Science + Business Media New York. DOI
Dymek K, Rems L, Zorec B, Dejmek P, Gómez Galindo F, Miklavčič D.
Modeling electroporation of the non-treated and vacuum impregnated heterogeneous tissue of spinach leaves.
Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 29: 55-64, 2015.
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Grošelj A, Kos B, Čemažar M, Urbančič J, Kragelj G, Bošnjak M, Veberič B, Strojan P, Miklavčič D, Serša G.
Coupling treatment planning with navigation system: a new technological approach in treatment of head and neck tumors by electrochemotherapy.
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Haberl Meglič S, Marolt T, Miklavčič D.
Protein extraction by means of electroporation from E. coli with preserved viability.
J. Membrane Biol. 248: 893-901, 2015.
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Kos B, Voigt P, Miklavčič D, Moche M.
Careful treatment planning enables safe ablation of liver tumors adjacent to major blood vessels by percutaneous irreversible electroporation (IRE).
Radiol. Oncol. 49: 234-241, 2015.
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Kotnik T, Frey W, Sack M, Haberl Meglič S, Peterka M, Miklavčič D.
Electroporation-based applications in biotechnology.
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Kranjc M, Markelc B, Bajd F, Čemažar M, Serša I, Blagus T, Miklavčič D.
In situ monitoring
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Mahnič-Kalamiza S, Miklavčič D, Vorobiev E.
Dual-porosity model of mass transport in electroporated biological tissue: Simulations and experimental work for model validation.
Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 29: 41-54, 2015.
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Mali B, Gorjup V, Edhemović I, Brecelj E, Čemažar M, Serša G, Stražišar B, Miklavčič D, Jarm T.
Electrochemotherapy of colorectal liver metastases - an observational study of its effects on the electrocardiogram.
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Marčan M, Kos B, Miklavčič D.
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Marčan M, Pavliha D, Kos B, Forjanič T, Miklavčič D.
Web-based tool for visualization of electric field distribution in deep-seated body structures and planning of electroporation-based treatments.
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Electrochemotherapy (ECT) and irreversible electroporation (IRE) - advanced techniques for treating deep-seated tumors based on electroporation.
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Pavšelj N, Zorec B, Miklavčič D, Becker S.
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Peyman A, Kos B, Djokić M, Trotovšek B, Limbaeck-Stokin C, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
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Polak A, Velikonja A, Kramar P, Tarek M, Miklavčič D.
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Reberšek M, Marjanovič I, Beguš S, Pillet F, Rols MP, Miklavčič D, Kotnik T.
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Serša G, Teissié J, Čemažar M, Signori E, Kamenšek U, Marshall G, Miklavčič D.
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Current density imaging sequence for monitoring current distribution during delivery of electric pulses in irreversible electroporation.
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Zorec B, Jelenc J, Miklavčič D, Pavšelj N.
Ultrasound and electric pulses for transdermal drug delivery enhancement: Ex vivo assessment of methods with in vivo oriented experimental protocols.
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Campana LG, Mali B, Serša G, Valpione S, Giorgi CA, Strojan P, Miklavčič D, Rossi CR.
Electrochemotherapy in non-melanoma head and neck cancers: a retrospective analysis of the treated cases.
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Dehez F, Delemotte L, Kramar P, Miklavčič D, Tarek M.
Evidence of conducting hydrophobic nanopores across membranes in response to an electric field.
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Dermol J, Miklavčič D.
Predicting electroporation of cells in an inhomogeneous electric field based on mathematical modeling and experimental CHO-cell permeabilization to propidium iodide determination.
Bioelectrochemistry 100: 52-61, 2014. [PDF
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Edhemović I, Brecelj E, Gašljević G, Marolt Mušič M, Gorjup V, Mali B, Jarm T, Kos B, Pavliha D, Grčar Kuzmanov B, Čemažar M, Snoj M, Miklavčič D, Gadžijev EM, Serša G.
Intraoperative electrochemotherapy of colorectal liver metastases.
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Flisar K, Haberl Meglič S, Morelj J, Golob J, Miklavčič D.
Testing a prototype pulse generator for a continuous flow system and its use for E. coli inactivation and microalgae lipid extraction.
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Garcia PA, Davalos RV, Miklavčič D.
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Hudej R, Miklavčič D, Čemažar M, Todorović V, Serša G, Bergamo A, Sava G, Martinčič A, Ščančar J, Keppler BK, Turel I.
Modulation of activity of known cytotoxic ruthenium(III) compound (KP418) with hampered transmembrane transport in electrochemotherapy in vitro and in vivo.
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Mahnič-Kalamiza S, Miklavčič D, Vorobiev E.
Dual-porosity model of solute diffusion in biological tissue modified by electroporation.
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Dual-porosity model of liquid extraction by pressing from biological tissue modified by electroporation.
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Electroporation in food processing and biorefinery.
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Mali B, Žulj S, Magjarević R, Miklavčič D, Jarm T.
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Marčan M, Pavliha D, Marolt Mušič M, Fučkan I, Magjarević R, Miklavčič D.
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Marjanovič I, Kandušer M, Miklavčič D, Manček Keber M, Pavlin M.
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Miklavčič D, Mali B, Kos B, Heller R, Serša G.
Electrochemotherapy: from the drawing board into medical practice.
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Polak A, Tarek M, Tomšič M, Valant J, Poklar Ulrih N, Jamnik A, Kramar P, Miklavčič D.
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Polak A, Tarek M, Tomšič M, Valant J, Poklar Ulrih N, Jamnik A, Kramar P, Miklavčič D.
Structural properties of archaeal lipid bilayers: small-angle X‑ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulation study.
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Reberšek M, Miklavčič D, Bertacchini C, Sack M.
Cell membrane electroporation –
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Retelj L, Miklavčič D.
Različni modeli elektroporacije in transporta molekul prek celične membrane.
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Yarmush ML, Golberg A, Serša G, Kotnik T, Miklavčič D.
Electroporation-based technologies for medicine: principles, applications, and challenges.
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Batista Napotnik T, Valant J, Gmajner D, Passamonti S, Miklavčič D, Poklar Ulrih N.
Cytotoxicity and uptake of archaeosomes prepared from Aeropyrum pernix lipids.
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In vivo real-time monitoring system of electroporation mediated control of transdermal and topical drug delivery.
J. Control. Release 172: 862-871, 2013. [PDF
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Chopinet L, Batista Napotnik T, Montigny A, Reberšek M, Teissié J, Rols MP, Miklavčič D.
Nanosecond electric pulse effects on gene expression.
J. Membrane Biol. 246: 851-859, 2013.
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Čemažar J, Miklavčič D, Kotnik T.
Microfluidic devices for manipulation, modification and characterization of biological cells in electric fields – a review.
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© 2013 Informacije MIDEM (Ljubljana). ISSN 0352-9045
Čorović S, Lacković I, Šuštarič P, Šuštar T, Rodič T, Miklavčič D.
Modeling of electric field distribution in tissues during electroporation.
Biomed. Eng. Online 12: 16, 2013.
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Haberl S, Jarc M, Štrancar A, Peterka M, Hodžić D, Miklavčič D.
Comparison of alkaline lysis with electroextraction and optimization of electric pulses to extract plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli.
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Haberl S, Kandušer M, Flisar K, Bregar VB, Miklavčič D, Escoffre JM, Rols MP, Pavlin M.
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Haberl S, Miklavčič D, Serša G, Frey W, Rubinsky B.
Cell membrane electroporation –
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IEEE Electr. Insul. M. 29(1): 29-37, 2013. [PDF ]
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Kotnik T.
Lightning-triggered electroporation and electrofusion as
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Prokaryotic diversity, electrified DNA, lightning waveforms, abiotic gene transfer, and the Drake equation: Assessing the hypothesis of lightning-driven evolution.
Phys. Life Rev. 10: 384-388, 2013. [PDF
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Mali B, Jarm T, Snoj M, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
Antitumor effectiveness of electrochemo-therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Mali B, Miklavčič D, Campana LG, Čemažar M, Serša G, Snoj M, Jarm T.
Tumor size and effectiveness of electrochemotherapy.
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Marjanovič I, Kotnik T.
An experimental system for controlled exposure of biological samples to electrostatic discharges.
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Pavliha D, Kos B, Marčan M, Županič A, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
Planning of electroporation-based treatments using web-based treatment-planning software.
J. Membrane Biol. 246: 833-842, 2013.
© 2013 Springer Science + Business Media New York. DOI
Pavliha D, Mušič MM, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
Electroporation-based treatment planning for deep-seated tumors based on automatic liver segmentation of MRI images.
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Polak A, Bonhenry D, Dehez F, Kramar P, Miklavčič D, Tarek M.
On the electroporation thresholds of lipid bilayers: Molecular dynamics simulation investigations.
J. Membrane Biol. 246: 843-850, 2013.
© 2013 Springer Science + Business Media New York. DOI
Rems L, Ušaj M, Kandušer M, Reberšek M, Miklavčič D, Pucihar G.
Cell electrofusion using nanosecond electric pulses.
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Retelj L, Pucihar G, Miklavčič D.
Electroporation of intracellular liposomes using nanosecond electric pulses - a theoretical study.
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Ušaj M, Flisar K, Miklavčič D, Kandušer M.
Electrofusion of B16-F1 and CHO cells: The comparison of the pulse first and contact first protocols.
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Velikonja A, Perutkova Š, Gongadze E, Kramar P, Polak A, Maček Lebar A, Iglič A.
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Zorec B, Becker S, Reberšek M, Miklavčič D, Pavšelj N.
Skin electroporation for transdermal drug delivery: The influence of the order of different square wave electric pulses.
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Zorec B, Préat V, Miklavčič D, Pavšelj N.
Active enhancement methods for intra- and transdermal drug delivery: a review.
Zdrav. Vestn. 82: 339-356, 2013. [PDF
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Batista Napotnik T, Wu YH, Gundersen AM, Miklavčič D, Vernier PT.
Nanosecond electric pulses cause mitochondrial membrane permeabilization in Jurkat cells.
Bioelectromagnetics 33: 257-264, 2012. [PDF
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Čemažar J, Kotnik T.
Dielectrophoretic field-flow fractionation of electroporated cells.
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Čorović S, Mir LM, Miklavčič D.
In vivo muscle electroporation threshold determination: realistic numerical models and in vivo experiments.
J. Membrane Biol. 245: 509-520, 2012.
© 2012 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC. DOI
Essone Mezeme M, Kranjc M, Bajd F, Serša I, Brosseau C, Miklavčič D.
Assessing how electroporation affects the effective conductivity tensor of biological tissues.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101: 213702, 2012. [PDF
© 2012 American Institute of Physics. DOI
Essone Mezeme M, Pucihar G, Pavlin M, Brosseau C, Miklavčič D.
A numerical analysis of multicellular environment for modeling tissue electroporation.
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Hudej R, Kljun J, Kandioller W, Repnik U, Turk B, Hartinger CG, Keppler BK, Miklavčič D, Turel I.
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Jelenc J, Jelenc J, Miklavčič D, Maček Lebar A.
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The systematic study of the electroporation and electrofusion of B16-F1 and CHO cells in isotonic and hypotonic buffer.
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Resistive heating and electropermeabilization of skin tissue during in vivo electroporation: A coupled nonlinear finite element model.
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Batista Napotnik T, Reberšek M, Kotnik T, Lebrasseur E, Cabodevila G, Miklavčič D.
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Čorović S, Županič A, Kranjc S, Al Sakere B, Leroy-Willig A, Mir LM, Miklavčič D.
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Hollow microneedle arrays for intradermal drug delivery and DNA electroporation.
J. Membrane Biol. 236: 117-125, 2010.
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Faurie C, Reberšek M, Golzio M, Kandušer M, Escoffre JM, Pavlin M, Teissié J, Miklavčič D, Rols MP.
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Hudej R, Turel I, Kandušer M, Ščančar J, Kranjc S, Serša G, Miklavčič D, Jakupec MA, Keppler BH, Čemažar M.
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Kotnik T, Pucihar G, Miklavčič D.
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André F, Gehl J, Serša G, Préat V, Hojman P, Eriksen J, Golzio M, Čemažar M, Pavšelj N, Rols MP, Miklavčič D, Neumann E, Teissié J, Mir LM.
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Mali B, Jarm T, Čorović S, Paulin-Košir MS, Čemažar M, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
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Pavšelj N, Cukjati D, Čorović S, Jarm T, Serša G, Miklavčič D.
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theoretical analysis. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg.
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- Pušenjak J, Miklavčič D: Interstitial fluid pressure as an
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31: 291-297, 1997.
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Golouh R, Vodovnik L. Tumor treatment by direct electric
current – tumor temperature and pH. Bioelectrochem.
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tumors by human leukocyte interferon alpha and electrotherapy.
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current electrotherapy for regional cancer treatment. Reg.
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